DOS命令Subst是為了減輕切換到經常使用的資料夾而來的工具,例如將 S: 指定成D:\My Documents and Settings\Projects\SOFT\WinSnap,要換目錄時只要切換到 S: 即可,既簡單又輕鬆。Visual Subst則是圖形工具,透過它來設定則更是容易。
Visual Subst的操作很簡單,應該是看到畫面就會吧;只要選虛擬磁碟機代碼與資料夾,再按加號就完成了。若希望每次運行時都生效,則把「Apply virtual drives on Windows startup」打勾。
Visual Subst does not require installation. It is fully portable because all settings are stored into an INI-file. However there is a simple installer provided which will help you to create some program shortcuts.
Please choose a package you would like to download: